Actually the Beckhams, as the Wall Street Journal points out, are a nice family. They mind their own business, stay out of trouble, and don't give unsolicited preachy lectures on their favorite politically correct causes. Why wouldn't we want more of them, even if their numbers exceed the allowable points-per-game total in Beckham's chosen profession?
In fact, what business does Ross have giving other people lectures on how many children to have? I'm trying to think of what more you could do to prove yourself a cad.
A world in which there are more Beckhams is a better place. And a world in which there are fewer Rosses doesn't sound terribly unpleasant either--not that anyone ought to force the issue.
Of course, reducing the numbers of anti-population kooks doesn't require much outside assistance. They do a pretty good job of it themselves, don't they?
How do you reconcile you use of the phrase "anti-population kooks" with the 5 rules on this page you admonish posters not to do?
"How do you reconcile you use of the phrase "anti-population kooks" with the 5 rules on this page you admonish posters not to do?"
I dont see how that is overly offensive and its not technically tagging anyone in specific. If you find kook offensive then you must have a very hard time anyone teases or criticizes you. Saying kook is like saying darn instead of damn. Or frick instead of FU**.
I think the first Anonymous was probably complaining about the "anti-population" phrase.
No, that's not it.
Maybe kook is an obscenity?
Well... If he just said Anti population without the kook it would just be labeling those who are against over population. I doubt that would be offensive.
And as far as something being considered an obscenity then I suppose that is in the eye of the beholder. I have met many a sensitive people that couldnt stand even hearing darn, frick, dumb, stupid etc... Im in the Army and so typically insults and jests get thrown around constantly. Hell we see worse things then this daily in politics. Suppose the idea of kooks being offensive seems pretty silly to me but then again there are those people who are overly sensitive. Suppose it could be offensive.
I think by kook though he is referring to those people who are overly and fanatically for population control.
For example, my mother is for animal rights and loves taking care of the environment. In fact, she is super fanatic for this cause. If you called her an animal kook she would smile and take it as a compliment! Same way when people call her a hippie tree hugger she would smile again.
Point im trying to make is that politics and public debate can get pretty intense at times and if someone doesnt build some sort of rough skin to these sorts of little things then they arent going to be very effective at debating.
To the first Anonymous:
I simply suggest the next time Martin posts one of his effusions on gay marriage or the flimflamflum argument for God, you just call him a religious kook. Share the love, ya know?
On the subject itself I will simply say that while I am in favour or sensible, rational and moral population control - for example via contraception - I don't think telling celebrity family X,Y or Z how many children they should have is very helpful - in fact its a bit idiotic.
If Martin hadn't adopted his usual demeaning and dehumanizing tone and had not insulted one of the greatest footballers alive and the greatest game on earth - football itself - I would actually be on his side.
As it stands I find his reaction to be completely over the top and I would suggest to him that simply ignoring people like Mr. Ross when they say stupid things is the best way to make them go away.
Also, he might want to watch a Champions League game or two and watch some of the greatest athletes on earth compete for the highest club trophy on earth.
I a very faith filled person and I try to respect all persons. I also have been called many things like Jesus freak. Honestly most of the time I dont even pronounce my faith yet people call me these things. I could be walking out of church and someone in a car will scream it at me as Im walking out. Call me a religious kook or a Jesus freak and Ill gladly take it as a compliment. I take confidence in what I believe in and if someone wants to label me a zealot because I do then so be it. I take it as a compliment and IM not going to try and hide the fact that I am. Honestly, I prefer not to witness my faith unless people are open to discussion about it and I try to hold to that Idea as much as I can but just because of the fact that I do have faith many people attack me for it. Just for simply wearing a cross around my neck. Even now the only reason I bring this up is because of the "religious kook" comment. To make a point.
Also when you said "I don't think telling celebrity family X,Y or Z how many children they should have is very helpful - in fact its a bit idiotic." This is the very idea that Martin was trying to convey by this blog post. Its a bit idiotic to criticize a soccer player for having 4 children. Its not only idiotic but one could almost say kooky. I find kooky to be slightly offensive then idiotic.
You also said:
"If Martin hadn't adopted his usual demeaning and dehumanizing tone and had not insulted one of the greatest footballers alive and the greatest game on earth - football itself - I would actually be on his side."
Which soccer player did he dehumanize and insult? Certainly he didnt say anything negative about David Beckham which was the only soccer player mentioned. Now one could see the kooky comment reflecting back to Simon Ross.
Uh actually your wrong... He did mention the whole thing about soccer players not being able to count that High. Kinda offensive to soccer players.
I stand corrected! Suppose I got so hooked on the kooky thing I got side tracked. Point taken! Now that I look back at it I could definitely see how THAT commentto be offensive.
'Which soccer player did he dehumanize and insult?'
I didn't say he dehumanized football players. This is the comment I was referring to:
'And a world in which there are fewer Rosses doesn't sound terribly unpleasant either--not that anyone ought to force the issue.'
Now imagine if you were to replace 'Ross' with 'Christian' in that sentence. Not very pleasant, is it?
'Uh actually your wrong... He did mention the whole thing about soccer players not being able to count that High. Kinda offensive to soccer players.'
I'm glad you understand. I won't have people poke fun at my sport. I've got to draw the line sonewhere, you know? ;-D
Im big fan of college basketball and I could relate it to that... Definitely could strike a nerve.
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