Monday, November 26, 2012

The Neville Chamberlain School of Republican Strategy

First Things' R. R. Reno, in response to former chairperson of the Republican National Committee Ken Mehlman, on whether the Republican Party should surrender on same-sex marriage:
Same-sex marriage will encourage fidelity and commitment, and foster family values? We can’t predict the future of culture, and I suppose Mehlman is entitled to his dreams. But a sober-minded observer sees that same-sex marriage puts an exclamation mark on the transformation of marriage and parenting from the basic norm for adult life into one life-style choice among many, one that we can enter and exit as our choices change. There’s nothing about same-sex marriage other than the now redefined word “marriage” that remotely suggests “family values.”
Even more ridiculous is the notion that redefining marriage makes government less intrusive. The notion of civil rights that fuels the push for “marriage equality” requires pumping up the power of the state to bulldoze older traditions and attitudes that stand in the way of the full acceptance and affirmation of homosexuality. It’s going to lead to litigation, regulation, mandated school programs and “inclusivity” seminars, and lots of other legislation. For good and for ill, the civil rights revolution of the 1960s created entire government bureaucracies, which in turn led to corporate diversity consultants and many other positions, all keyed to compliance.
Read the rest here.


KyCobb said...

Maybe, just maybe, if the GOP wants to defend heterosexual marriage, the GOP ought to concentrate on promoting policies which encourage heterosexuals to get married, rather than obsessing about preventing the small LGBT community from getting married. That way the GOP could present an appealing, positive agenda to young people, rather than just looking like a bunch of old, angry homophobic bigots. This is a lost cause anyway; young people respect lgbt's rights, and the GOP base which doesn't is gradually dying off.

Old Rebel said...

The idea of winning by surrendering on all fronts is simply brilliant.

For those whose primary loyalty is to the Republican party, this makes perfect sense. However, for those of us more concerned about preserving our culture, submitting to Third-World colonization and the radical homosexual lobby is repugnant.

KyCobb said...

As long as the GOP is the party of racist homophobes like Old Rebel, its not going to win presidential elections. Neoconfederates are the past; Romney pretty much maxed out the rural white vote, and lost in an electoral landslide. The GOP of the future is going to have to develop a positive conservative message for all Americans, nd quit demonizing racial minorities and LGBT people.

Art said...

It's always amusing when people whose fondest wish is to establish a Third World backwater of a country fold derogatory insinuations about Third World countries into their rants.

Anonymous said...

KyCobb, liberal California has voted against gay marriage largely because of African American and Latino votes..are those groups racist homophobes? Obama won an electoral college "landslide" but not a great plurality, which means that the liberal push to do away with the Electoral College will dissipate until another day.

Old Rebel said...


Amazing how the proponents of reason always have to resort to insults instead of facts.

We want to preserve ourselves as a people. I for one do not wish to commit suicide.

KyCobb said...

The facts are that you are a racist, as your own words establish. America is on an irrevocable path toward a racial and ethnic mix in which no one group is a majority, even if net zero migration from across the southern border continues as it has since the crash. This is not suicide, and its not the end of people who sunburn easily. Pandering to bigots will gain the GOP nothing except 3rd party status, which is pretty much what has happened in California.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the once great state of California, now becoming America's Greece.

Martin Cothran said...

If a person can be insulted by being called a "racist" because he thinks that traditional culture is superior to other cultures, what is the proper insult for a person who thinks that another culture is superior to traditional culture?

Gosh it's hard to be a relativist.

KyCobb said...


Old Rebel thinks the U.S. should remain a white majority country. That is racism.

Old Rebel said...

Ky Cobb,

Ask the people of ANY country if they want to preserve their historical identity, and the vast majority will say yes.

"Racism" is a Marxist term for those who want to maintain their traditional ways.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

What do you think the historical identity of the U.S. is?

Anonymous said...

KyCobb, even when America is only 49 per cent white, America will still be a white majority country. What exactly is your fixation with race? Do you see some Kumbaya Nirvana moment when whites are a minority? Do you know anything of the lousy relations between blacks and latinos in places like Chicago and L.A. and Denver and Houston? Go there and ask a cop or public school teacher. Diversity by itself is not some magic bean, my friend.

JD Salyer said...

What? The GOP trying to betray its voter base? Say it ain't so!

As for the cry of "racism" ... here and there remain a few little Kentucky towns that are actually intact, that preserve the folkways, dialect, and music of the people who settled this state. If your reaction on passing through one of these amazing little places is to wring your hands at its lack of "cultural diversity", then you are a superficial, shallow, and politically-correct idiot who has no idea know what real culture and real diversity is.

What I want is to keep leftist multiculturalists from "diversifying" my homeland into something alien and unrecognizable. To paraphrase Patrick Henry: If this be racism, then make the most of it.

Old Rebel said...


European. Next question.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

When you say "European", are you talking about culture or DNA?

Old Rebel said...


The US was settled by Europeans who brought their traditions with them. In the real world, behavior follows makeup.

Small wonder we're seeing Third-World behavior in areas being colonized by the Third World.

For example:

Man who murdered his daughters in shocking Muslim 'honour killing' is working as a New York City cab driver

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

Ergo, you are a racist.

Old Rebel said...

Ky Cobb,

So, you wave your magical "racism" wand and all those inconvenient facts just disappear, eh?

And you leftists claim to be the "reality-based" people?

Anonymous said...

I'm working on a screenplay.. No Country For Old White Men.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

What "inconvenient facts"? You posted an anecdote. The fact is that even while America is becoming more diverse, the violent crime rate has been dropping to its lowest level in decades. That fact is inconvenient for your bigoted fear of minorities, but it certainly isn't inconvenient for me. You know-nothings have been complaining about immigrants for over a century, whether it was the Irish, the Chinese, the Japanese, southern and eastern Europeans, Catholics, Jews and now Mexicans. How many centuries do you bigots have to be wrong before you understand that immigrants who come here to live the American Dream are our strength, and not our weakness?

Anonymous said...

KyCobb, all those groups you mentioned entered an America with no welfare. And your crime rate statement is meaningless re "diversity".

KyCobb said...


If southern immigration was driven by welfare, why have we had net zero immigration since the crash? They come here for work, and a lot of them went home when the jobs disappeared. If the GOP wants to keep sneering at poor people, like Stuart Stevens bragging about how Romney won everyone making over $50K per year, it will keep losing elections.

Anonymous said...

Assuming I believe your net zero claim, KyCobb, are you OK with "self deportation'? What are you, some kind of racist? As for your crystal ball about future elections, President Obama received millions fewer votes his second time around and stands at a 49 per cent approval rating. You do have to feel for the guy, after all, look at the mess he inherited.

Old Rebel said...


The facts you want to deny are:

The US was settled by Europeans who brought their traditions with them. In the real world, behavior follows makeup.

Small wonder we're seeing Third-World behavior in areas being colonized by the Third World.

I posted those facts in response to your odd question about whether we were European in culture or by inheritance.

It's both.

A strong majority of Americans favor restricting immigration and protecting our traditional demographics. An unholy coaltion of self-hating leftists and big business is hell-bent on importing a Third-World majority.

I'm with the majority. You're the extremist. Deal with it.

KyCobb said...


I don't have any problem with people choosing to go back home; Romney opposes the Dream Act, which I and the President support. For the fifth time in the last six presidential elections, the GOP candidate got less than 48% of the vote.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

You are a racist, deal with it. Apparently Third World behavior includes lower rates of violent crime, because border cities, known by you as "areas being colonized by the Third World", have lower crime rates than the rest of the country. If that is "Third World behavior", I say we need more of it.

Old Rebel said...
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Old Rebel said...


Hmmm. So Americans are inferior to Latinos? Interesting. Sounds like politically correct racial hatred to me.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

I'm just pointing out the lies you are telling to support your racism. The Mexicans I know built my house and have opened nice restaurants in my community; they've made it a better place to live. They are nice people, and I'm glad to have them as neighbors. The fact you hate them because of their skin color or where they were born is contemptible.

Old Rebel said...


Darned if I could find ANY statement I made about Mexicans. So here are a few facts for you to chew on:

•About half of Mexican immigrants (49.9%) speak English “Not Well or At All.” Some 98.8% of UK immigrants speak “Only English or Very Well”.

•Mexican immigrants have a 30.1% poverty rate. Immigrants from the UK have a 5.6% poverty rate.

•As of 2010, an overwhelming 54% of Mexican immigrants did not have health insurance versus only 9.5% of UK immigrants.

•Some 57.4%, of Mexican immigrants are on welfare, versus 6.2% of British immigrants.

Breaking that into specific forms of welfare:

•45.3% of Mexican immigrants are receiving food assistance, versus only 3.5% of UK immigrants.

•44.7% of Mexican immigrants receive Medicaid, vs. only 5.3% of British immigrants get it.

[Source: Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America's Foreign-Born Population Center For Immigration Studies]

Bottom line: EVERY country has immigration controls. The vast majority in this country rejects the globalist agenda, and supports Arizona-style immigration enforcement.

My desire, like the desire of most Americans (and even more Southerners) is to preserve our culture. Scream "Racist!" all you want, but wanting to see your civilization survive is NOT HATRED.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

I'll be damned if I know how a civilization that lets its crops rot in the fields survives. If immigrants from the U.K. were migrant farmworkers, they'd need public assistance as well. BTW, undocumented workers pay into social security even though they don't qualify for benefits.

Old Rebel said...
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Old Rebel said...


I have an even greater mystery for you: How did we Americans manage to feed ourselves before the Capable Ones decided to crash the border and pick our crops?

MAYBE - just MAYBE - the real answer is that ranchers just want to depress the wages of exploitable workers.

Remember Cesar Chavez? He kept ag workers' salaries up by resisting big agribusiness, which wanted to bring in more immigrants.

Here's a good summary of the "crops rotting in the fields" scam big business uses to scare us into accepting even more Third-World immigration: