My radio appearance today on Lexington Catholic radio
I was on the Mike Allen Show this morning from 7:15 to 7:45 discussion the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, which is today and my article "The Secular Liberal Death Wish." You can listen to a recording of the show here.
I'm sure like any responsible person you took the opportunity to correct your grotesque misrepresentation of what is happening in Germany?
I'm sure like any responsible person you took the opportunity to correct your grotesque misrepresentation of what is happening in Germany?
Feel free to expand on the correction I need to make and the extent to which it is grotesque.
Waaaasup Germany? How does Angela's EU garden grow?
The Greeks are re-hiring public sector workers (is there any other kind in Greece) so it's time for Germans to work harder and pay more taxes.
Ja, a little less wiener in der schnitzel for der Heidis and der Ottos.
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