Thursday, September 03, 2015

State Rep. Stan Lee's statement today on the jailing of Kim Davis

State Rep. Stan Lee's statement on Kim Davis:

FRANKFORT, Ky. (September 3, 2015) – “Today a federal judge jailed an American Christian for simply standing up for her Christian beliefs in opposition to issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples.    As a result, today American Christians lost a little more of their freedom.  This should serve as a warning to others believers, that if you don’t think this could happen to you, think again. Think about the Christian baker, the Christian T-shirt maker, and now the Christian clerk.

In my view,  today’s action is a twisting of our entire justice system, and is no different than the  Sanhedrin throwing Peter and John into jail  for preaching in public.   I fear this will have dire consequences to our nation, especially  because of what  she was founded upon.

And what is so sad and alarming, is that all of this could have been avoided.   Therefore, I again  join with others in urging Governor Beshear to immediately call a Special Session to address this constitutional crisis.   Every day the Governor refuses to act,  is another day an American Christian remains in jail for following her sincerely held religious beliefs.”


  1. So, Stan Lee, like The Family Foundation, thinks theft of taxpayers' money is not a crime, or even the most minor of offenses.

    I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that a Christian would condone thievery. That's one of the core values of the religion.

  2. So, like, are we supposed to know what you're talking about?

  3. Do residents of Rowan County pay taxes? Does Kim Davis draw a salary for her position? Is her salary underwritten by the taxpayers of Rowan County? Has she refunded her salary since she started to refuse to execute her duties?

    Unless she has refused her paycheck since she set out to become rich via martyrdom, then she is a thief, pure and simple.

    It wouldn't surprise me if some enterprising lawyer in Rowan County wasn't drafting a class action to recover these stolen funds and return them to the taxpayers.

  4. Mmm. Do you think Jack Conway was a thief for not performing his duty to defend Kentucky's marriage law? Should he pay the taxpayers back for the bill the state got from the private attorneys who had to do it instead?

  5. Mmm. Do you think Jack Conway was a thief for not performing his duty to defend Kentucky's marriage law? Should he pay the taxpayers back for the bill the state got from the private attorneys who had to do it instead?

  6. Martin's steel trap reasoning - his enemies steal, so Christians should be able to steal.

    Some of that absolute Christian morality in action. Thanks for the lesson, Martin.

    Kim Davis is still a thief, pure and simple. Par for the Christian course, sad to say.

  7. KyCobb8:07 AM


    Jack Conway had no duty to file an appeal in the same sex marriage case, and you know it, so you are lying. He defended the Constitution in US District Court, he lost, he decided an appeal would be futile and exercised his discretion not to file one. The Governor decided to waste taxpayer money on a futile appeal, and the AG was proven correct. So why don't you quit lying?


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