Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Classical Teacher magazine online

The last edition of The Classical Teacher, of which I am editor, is up on the web:

Joe Knows Latin by Joe Paterno
Penn State’s legendary coach tells what Virgil’s Aeneid has to do with football—and life.

Why Read Homer’s Iliad by Cheryl Lowe
I don’t know any substitute for Latin for training the intellect and sharpening the mind. And I don’t know any substitute for the Iliad for humanizing and civilizing the young.

Harry Potter And the Attack of the Critics by Martin Cothran
Literature is dangerous except when taken in large doses.

Ordering Knowledge to the Child’s Nature by Andrew Campbell

What’s so Great About Great Books? by Martin Cothran
There are some books we set apart from the rest and call “great.”


Kristina said...

Very nice article about Harry Potter. I've always had a hard time articulating why I thought Harry Potter's brand of witchcraft was innocous. This does it very well. Thanks.

Mark Browning said...

Your article on Rowling does a nice job of expressing feelings I have long had when friends wring their hands over the perils of Potter. However, I think you do even a greater service in speaking of the value of being a well-rounded reader. I love those Chesterton quotations.