Monday, November 10, 2008

Are gay rights groups turning into hate groups?

For all their rhetoric about tolerance and diversity, when it comes right down to it the Tolerance Police really don't give a rip about anything other then imposing their own political agenda. And if you don't go along with it, they'll call you names, question your integrity, and now this.

Most gay rights groups have not explicitly called for violence, but they positively glory in hurling hateful epithets like "bigot" at their opponents and accusing them of all sorts of malicious motives simply because they don't want to be forced to repudiate their beliefs about sexuality. Hate speech, in fact, is becoming their specialty.

At some point, someone is going to start labeling them as hate groups. Heck, why not now?


Anonymous said...

So, you're saying Gay Rights Groups (might be hate groups) have met the enemy (hate groups) and they is them (hate groups)?

Anonymous said...

Maybe one of the Mormon church ads should have said..OK, OK So how's about another look at polygamy?

Anonymous said...

Them gays better be careful; such language of hate will eventually incite normal Americans to the extent that one day in the future one or two might contemplate violence against gays.


Martin Cothran said...

So what's the anti-gay body count in America now, Jah?

Anonymous said...

Body count?

So, am I getting this right:

1) Murdering gays is wrong.

2) Other physical abuse is ok.

3) Verbal insults and other rude treatment, housing and job discrimination are not even worth mentioning. [Unless the verbal insults are delivered by gays or their supporters, in which case it is hate speech.]

If homosexuality is a developmental disorder then why is such treatment acceptable? Oops - I forgot, in Kentucky I don't think the mentally retarded are permitted to marry either.

Anyone want to dispute that the "killed solely because they were heterosexual" murder rate is orders of magnitude lower than the "killed solely because they were homosexual" murder rate?


Anonymous said...

jah.. When a gay man murders a gay man is that a double hate crime?

Martin Cothran said...


That's a very long non-answer to my question, which was, "What's the anti-gay body count in America now?"

Anonymous said...

If only one country, for whatever reason, tolerates a family with a homosexual in it, that family will become the germ center for fresh sedition. If one little homosexual survives without any homosexual education, with no church and no school, homsexuality is in his soul. Even if there had never been a church or a homosexual culture , the homosexual spirit would still exist and exert its influence. It has been there from the beginning and there is no homosexual, not a single one, who does not personify it.

Is that about it?

Martin Cothran said...


To what, exactly is "it" supposed to refer? To my question of how many gays have been murdered for being gay?

Gee, it sure is hard to get a simple answer around here...

Anonymous said...

But you guys are bigots. It's not hateful if it's true.

Martin Cothran said...


So then it's okay for people to call gays "faggots" on the grounds that its true?

Anonymous said...

MC: Gee, it sure is hard to get a simple answer around here...

It is not simple to come up with an accurate answer. Surely some though.

Of more significance is why Mr Cothran calls gay words "hate speech" yet does not comment at all on the torture and murder of gays.
Some complain that moderate Moslems do not denounce the extremists in their midst. How is this any different from Mr Cothran fussing about hateful words while ignoring far worse actions? And is this a conscious or unconscious decision on his part?

PS That's my line above. E.g., why won't anyone explain why it is obvious the only possible reason some cultures abhor cannibalism is religious?


Martin Cothran said...


I'll repeat my question that you very obviously don't want to answer FOR THE THIRD TIME: How many gays have been murdered in America by non-gays because they are gay?

Martin Cothran said...


You there?

Anonymous said...

Andrew Shepherd wasn't enough for you, Martin?

Anonymous said...

Brandon Teena count for you, Martin?

Martin Cothran said...

And so what's our total, then, two? Is that what you mean by "the torture and murder of gays"? Two isolated incidents?

KCStymie said...

Martin, The two incidents cited are not isolated. To insinuate that they are is ludicrous and disingenuous. And what if there were only two incidents? That would still be two too many.

Anonymous said...

Well lets look at it rationally (I know this is a challenge for religious people but try to play along).

You religious folks want to make sure the the governmental protections of rights and responsibilities apply to most Americans but not to others. You're actually voting to deny people the same rights that the government gives you.

Is there a different word than "bigotry" that describes that situation? You keep telling us "but it's just a difference of opinion". Would that argument still work if your "opinion" was "Let's keep the vote away from the blacks"?

No, it's not "hate speech". It's simply the truth. Anyone who voted Yes on prop 8 in California is by definition a bigot because you voted to deny a subset of Americans the same rights that you have.