Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Talking about "critical thinking skills," but not knowing what that means

HT: Bill's Eye


Old Rebel said...

"Critical thinking skills" means the ability to absorb and play back as needed all the leftist talking points.

For example:

"White privilege." That's how you respond to a question about ANYTHING negative in black society, such as "Why is there so much crime/poverty/illegitimacy/drug use/fill in the blank in black communities?"

Anonymous said...

Hey Martin, aren't you proud of "Old Rebel's" support?

Art said...

Critical thinking skills? Like those Martin put on display when he corrected the lies and errors of Rep. Wilson?

This post is especially apt, given the avatar for the one that follows later.

Martin Cothran said...

So the guy who has been claiming falsely on my blog that Highlands Latin uses A Beka science books is talking about other people's falsehoods?

Martin Cothran said...


I am not "proud" that anyone supports me. What really makes me feel good, however, is that you oppose me.

Art said...

So, Martin, has HLS ever used A Beka? When did they change? And why is the series they use now (Tiner's Exploring series) an improvement. (I don't think it is.)

What is the reasoning behind using a popularized and biased history text (that is basically what Exploring Planet Earth is) in a science class? Take us through the critical reasoning behind this choice.

Anonymous said...

According to reviews on, the Exploring Planet Earth book claims Marco Polo saw Noah's Ark on Mt. Arrarat.

Art said...

So, Martin, we're waiting. Judging from your reaction to Rep. Wilson's claim that there is no factual evidence that new species can evolve from ancestral ones (and also from your affiliation with the Discovery Institute, a conservative think tank that holds the same position), it seems safe to assume that you agree with this assertion. Take us through the critical reasoning process that leads you to support this claim.

Put another way: You're the expert educator who runs a spectacularly successful private school. Grace your readers with the thought process that brings you into agreement with Rep. Wilson. Be sure to touch on the two obvious aspects of his assertion - the concept of "factual evidence", and the alleged paucity of evidence that supports the conclusion new species can evolve from ancestral ones.

Art said...

Anonymous, that's not actually what the book says.

Martin Cothran said...


Judging from your reaction to Rep. Wilson's claim that there is no factual evidence that new species can evolve from ancestral ones (and also from your affiliation with the Discovery Institute, a conservative think tank that holds the same position), it seems safe to assume that you agree with this assertion. Take us through the critical reasoning process that leads you to support this claim.

Is this your idea of a critical reasoning process? I would assume a critical reasoning process to determine what someone's position is would take into account what the person has explicitly said his position was.

Does your critical reasoning process take into account what I have said repeatedly on this blog?

Art said...

I would assume a critical reasoning process to determine what someone's position is would take into account what the person has explicitly said his position was.


From June 22, 2007:

I wanted to respond to David Charlton’s challenge to state my reasons for believing what I did about evolution and intelligent design. First, in regard to evolution, as I have said, I am a skeptic, and have more questions than I do answers.

So, given this, why should one not view the recent, um, discussion (and recall your affiliation with the DI, also a "skeptical" organization that holds that there is no evidence for macroevolution) and see the obvious agreement you have with Rep. Wilson?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Chevron and Exxon Mobil support the NGSS. See: