Monday, May 19, 2014

Federal Judge Strikes Down Gay-Marriage Ban In Oregon

Federal Judge Strikes Down Gay-Marriage Ban In Oregon. In 2004, voters added a ban on gay marriage to the state constitution. A federal judge said the ban violated the the equal protection clause of the constitution.


KyCobb said...

Great news, thanks!

Old Rebel said...

Funny how these "champions of the people" and "defenders of the sacred right to vote" have no problem trashing the results of a popular vote when it doesn't fit their agenda.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel, So you think the Supreme Court made the wrong decision in Loving v. Virginia? I bet you would be thrilled to support the voters if they decided you shouldn't be allowed to marry the person you love. Also, Oregon voters support a repeal of the ban on the November ballot by a large margin, so it was going to happen anyway.

Old Rebel said...


"If you can't answer a question, change the subject."

So - you admit you support bypassing the electoral process, eh? Why not just let an all-powerful elite exercise total control over our lives and forget elections?

Leftists. What hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

yay for gay!

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,
Do you know who else believed in the dictatorship of the masses? Karl Marx. You commie.

Old Rebel said...


Devastating comeback.

Those Acme University correspondence courses on debating have really paid off.

KyCobb said...

What is there to debate? The fact that you think its ok for the electorate to ban interracial marriage means you fail right out of the gate.

KyCobb said...

More evidence that this fight is nearly over; the GOP Governor of Pa isn't even going to appeal the court decision striking Pa's ssm ban because he thinks its legally futile. He is also in a tough re-election battle and 65% of Pa independents support ssm. If only Beshear had decided not to waste anymore taxpayer money on this futile fight.

Old Rebel said...


Yes, it's true that the debate is pretty much over. Our moral and intellectual superiors in DC have decreed that all of its subjects are equal, and that same-sex "marriage," like multiculturalism, will be imposed on them.

That's why I believe in secession.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

No-one will have same-sex marriage imposed on them. man-woman marriages will still be legal, and every person will be able to choose a marriage partner of either gender who will have them. Guess what, y'all didn't get to break up the country so that you could continue to oppress African-Americans, and you don't get to break up the country so that you can continue to oppress homosexuals.

Old Rebel said...


Cultural Marxists claim that upholding Western Civilization is "oppression." To destroy that civilization, Marxists know they must command totalitarian power over the population.

That's why their agenda must be imposed on society by a self-proclaimed "enlightened" ruling elite.

But just as the Soviet Union pretty much self-destructed on its anti-human ideology, the last Evil Empire is doing the same. We're just sitting back biding our time.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

Don't forget, you are the one who believes the majority holds totalitarian power over the minority; I believe in individual rights as enshrined in the Constitution. So who's the Marxist?

Old Rebel said...


News flash: Marxists do not defend traditional culture.

Take a deep breath. Read it again. Repeat as needed.

KyCobb said...

Old Rebel,

Former KGB operative and Russian despot Vladimir Putin is just as homophobic as you are, and has instituted laws stripping homosexuals of their rights just like you want to do. In fact, many on the religious right, like Franklin Graham, has lauded his approach. Like you,
Vlad doesn't believe in fundamental human rights, but rather the totalitarian power of the volk. So who's the Marxist?

Old Rebel said...


1 - It is not out of an irrational fear that I oppose the homosexual agenda. Instead, I oppose it on the grounds that it is a project of an anti-human, anti-tradition ideology.

2 - I am not "stripping" anyone of any rights. Cultural Marxists seek to undermine Western civilization by re-defining marriage and subverting traditional relations. Their demand for special privileges is something I will not support.

3 - Show me where I have ever joined with F. Graham in praising V. Putin's policies on homosexuals, and you will win a fabulous prize. When you fail to do so, I will expect a groveling apology.

Get your knee pads ready.

KyCobb said...


1. Homosexuals are humans, so policies which grant them equal rights are, by definition, not anti-human.

2. Getting married isn't a special privilege. And remember, you are the totalitarian marxist, not me. Not only is Putin homophobic now, the Soviet Union was very homophobic when it existed.

3. You believe that the dictatorship of the masses can deny fundamental human rights to homosexuals. That is exactly what Putin is doing. Frankly, I don't know why you don't support his policies, if in fact you oppose them.

Old Rebel said...


Obviously the plain meaning of words has no more effect on you than logic. War is peace, freedom is slavery, and perversion is normality. Got it.