NFL Running back Ray Rice was charged with beating his fiancée into unconscious submission and the Tolerance Police yawn. But tweet something negative about a gay player kissing is partner on TV and they swing into action:
... trash talking during the game has practically become de rigueur for the NFL. Vaunting celebrations from the School For Talentless Mimes now follow even the most routine tackles. Players spit at each other, and as my friend Jazz Shaw pointed out, a few players in the league mocked Tim Tebow for his Christianity with fake prayer-kneeling on the field.
In other words, the players in this league spend more time taunting each other than actually playing the game. Yet the Dolphins and presumably the NFL see fit to send [Miami Dolphin's corner back Don] Jones to the re-education gulag over an ill-considered tweet far off the field, one that was not even explicitly directed at Sam.
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Its interesting. Conservatives are usually big defenders of corporate decision making, and constantly insist that government regulation should be lessened and the free market allowed to resolve issues. But when the corporate suits decide that homophobia is bad for business, and send a homophobe to diversity training, all of a sudden the conservatives become staunch defenders of the employee's right to be rude and surly. I'm sure the Chamber of Commerce is thrilled with the notion that their employees should be able to freely hurl insults at their customers without consequence.
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