Friday, June 19, 2009

What Stumbo said on slots


June 19, 2009

Contact: Martin Cothran
(859) 329-1919

An anti-slots group released a statement made by Speaker of the House Greg Stumbo on June 8 which the group says flies in the face of the actions of this past week, as members have been rewarded for voting for the Governor's slots bill with money for school buildings and members refusing to vote for it being refused the money. The group has called the attempt to buy votes with school money "SLOTTROT."

"The Speaker said members would be able to vote their consciences without arm twisting," said Martin Cothran, spokesman for Say No to Casinos. "Makes you wonder why there are so many sore arms around this place."

"This is one of those bills that we’re just telling our members to vote what they believe their conscience is," Speaker Stumbo told Kentuckians on KET's "Kentucky Tonight." "It’s too important a decision to really twist arms or do those sorts of things."

Cothran told the Licensing and Occupations Committee Wednesday that the history of gambling legislation is a "history of broken promises." "That sound you hear is the breaking of more promises on expanded gambling," Cothran said. "We'd all better get used to it."

The quote was released prior to what is expected to be a vote during today's House session.


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