Friday, December 04, 2009

Climategate: the Emperor's nakedness acknowledged

With the exception of a small handful of deniers whose faith in global warming science is quite literally unshakable, just about everyone now seems to admit that Climategate, while not disproving global warming, has so shaken the credibility of global warming science that the myth of human-induced global warming as a settled scientific issue has effectively been shattered. The mantle of impregnibility that the small community of global warming scientists had cloaked themselves in is in shreds.

Few times in the history of public debate has there been so colossal a turnaround. It is almost as if a rabbit had been discovered in the pre-Cambrian strata and Darwinism refuted, so complete has been the discrediting of the strength of the case for human-induced global warming. And it isn't just the so-called "denialists" who see it: The scientific corruption revealed by the Climategate e-mails is now acknowledged by all but a few pitiful mainstream media voices.

Go right now and open up another browser screen and Google "global warming". Then Google "climategate." What you will discover is that, to "global warming"'s 12,100,000 hits, there are 13,800,000 for "climategate".

When the credibility of one side in the debate has been so thoroughly demolished, the debate is essentially over. The debate will now have to be completely refashioned. The global warming computer will have to be completely rebooted. What the result will be, no one knows.

But then, maybe I am underestimating the craft and determination of the Ministry of Fear that lies behind the apocalyptic impulse of these people. It's happened before.

Here's the Canadian Broadcast Corporation's Rex Murphy with what is now the representative mainstream view on Climategate.

HT: Watt's Up With That?


Anonymous said...

From the author of a booklet on logic:

"Go right now and open up another browser screen and Google "global warming". Then Google "climategate." What you will discover is that, to "global warming"'s 12,100,000 hits, there are 13,800,000 for "climategate"."

Martin Cothran said...

And your point?

Lee said...

Instinctively, I have believed from the beginning that global warming was simply the Trojan horse for instituting totalitarian government, perhaps on a worldwide scale. To its proponents, it's true -- and if it isn't true, it should be.

Nice to know my instincts were dead on. This wasn't science. This was a scam, and a fairly brazen one at that.

However, I wouldn't expect the Al Gores, the Nancy Pelosis, the Harry Reids to let go of it quite yet. Their belief in global warming has always been opportunistic. Bigger government is always the answer, no matter what the question is. It is always the solution, no matter what the problem is.