Tuesday, March 06, 2012

The Rally for Reason: An Aquarian Exposition

We here at the BBA (the Bureau for Better Atheists) were, of course, pleased when one of the participants in the March 24 "Rally for Reason," P. Z. Myers, announced that they would be bringing no guillotine's on to the National Mall, which would be a break from previous historical atheist precedent.

We will, of course, in the scientific spirit, have to verify that there will be no guillotines on the Mall experientially by seeing what actually happens.

In the meantime, while we are waiting to see if, in fact, there are no guillotines on the Mall, we note that Rally organizers are calling the event the "Woodstock of Unbelief."

That means, of course, that the Rally will consist of a bunch of overgrown spoiled adolescents who, as I have pointed out before, were members of the first generation of Americans to be excessively coddled by their parents who read too much Dr. Spock, given too much money and comfort, and who, in what was undoubtedly one of their many attempts to escape responsibility, ran away from home for three days and then tried to justify their self indulgence by spouting meaningless platitudes.

Not to mention getting exotic sexually transmitted diseases, lice, and having to listen to Country Joe and the Fish. And are they going to subtitle the event "An Aquarian Exposition"?

Maybe the guillotine idea wasn't so bad after all.


KyCobb said...


If you Christians will just stop abusing child "witches" in Africa, I promise you we won't be guillotining anyone.

Anonymous said...

At least Martin doesn't use obscenities.

1. Name-calling;
2. Questioning the motives or integrity of people you have never met just because you disagree with them;
3. Using obscenities or other expressions not appropriate or necessary to civilized discussion;
4. Taking disagreement personally;
5. Demeaning or insulting remarks.

Martin Cothran said...

Maybe I should have added:

6. Mistaking a post poking fun at somebody or something as a serious hostile attack.

KyCobb said...


I hope you didn't mistake my post for a serious, hostile attack.

Anonymous said...

How can we know you are only joking when you are not funny?

Martin Cothran said...


I'm not sure that anonymous commenters from P. Z.'s and similar blogs are capable of making such a distinction at all. They're a pretty grim bunch.

Anonymous said...

KyCobb, sorry I wasn't aware I was doing that. Maybe if you got off your ad hominem and "mockery" we could actually have a discussion that get's somewhere. http://www.battleforthecoreoftheworld.com/2012/03/dawkins-calls-for-mockery-of-catholics.html/