Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Which human beings Obama thinks should be respected

Barack Obama, whose spokesman today made it clear that he supports Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of babies killed in abortions, has been giving African countries moralistic lectures about how they should treat other human beings (in this case, gays).

Just thought I'd point it out.


KyCobb said...

Except its a lie, since PP isn't killing babies and selling their parts.

Martin Cothran said...

So performing an abortion, which takes the life of an unborn child, is not killing a baby? And selling the parts of the baby is not selling the parts of a baby.

You're not making sense.

KyCobb said...

Abortion is not killing a baby, and PP is not selling baby parts. Women are voluntarily donating fetal tissue from their abortions, a practice which Mitch McConnell voted for, and PP, a non-profit organization is reimbursed for the expense. The fun thing is when the anti-abortion extremists force the GOP to shut down the government, the GOP will take another huge hit, then when they have to back down the extremists will be furious at them for failing to defund PP>

Martin Cothran said...

If abortion does not kill a baby, what does it kill? And what is fetal tissue from other than a "fetus"? Guess you didn't know that word means "little child"?

KyCobb said...

In English, a fetus is not a baby.