You’ve got Democrats who ignored the law when it was the law to have traditional marriage. Gavin Newsom in San Francisco as mayor performed same-sex weddings even though it was illegal. Did he ever get put in jail? He most certainly did not. You have Barack Obama and Eric Holder, when he was attorney general. They ignored the rulings of [the Defense of Marriage Act]. Did they ever get put in jail for ignoring the law? They most certainly did not. So when is it that liberals get to choose what laws they support, but a county clerk in Kentucky who, acting on her Christian faith, is criminalized, jailed without bail, because she acted on her conscience and according to the only law that is in front of her?Read the rest here.
Monday, September 07, 2015
Huckabee lets loose on George Stephanopolous about #KimDavis
Mike Huckabee appeared yesterday on This Week with George Stephanopolous to discuss the #KimDavis. A number of his comments were run over at Breitbart. They were all good, but this one was particularly lucid:
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Lessee, Mike Huckabee, huckster, liar, and thief (diabetes cure my ...) supports another 2-bit thief in her bid to strike it rich on the martyr circuit.
As I've been saying, thievery is a core Christian value.
In other news, dog bites man ...
Let's also say for the sake of argument that Huckabee invented and distributed bubonic plague and AIDS, and that he beats his wife and dog.
Were his observations incorrect?
I don't know about his wife, but Huckabee doesn't seem to have any problem with his son killing a dog.
j a higginbotham
And yes, his observations are incorrect. Newsom was never found in contempt of court. When told to stop doing marriages, he obeyed. Davis repeatedly, continuously refuses court orders.
Huckabee said “Having Kim Davis in federal custody removes all doubt of the criminalization of Christianity in our country,"
How many Christians are there in this country?
How many have been put in custody for merely being Christian?
How many Christian churches have been raided and all congregants incarcerated?
Why would anyone say something so obviously incorrect?
j a higginbotham
Let's quit picking on the other side for a minute.
When is it okay to disobey a judge's order on a case which has recently been decided by the Supreme Court?
j a higginbotham
What statute did she break?
> When is it okay to disobey a judge's order on a case which has recently been decided by the Supreme Court?
How about, e.g., when the Supreme Court rules that the Constitution does indeed give citizens the right to bear arms, but people are still arrested for doing so?
Don't ask me about statutes, I am not a lawyer or prosecutor.
I know she is willfully disobeying a court order, her appeal was turned down by the Supreme Court, etc.
What more do you need?
She won't even let her assistant clerks obey the court ruling.
j a higginbotham
So someone was arrested for bearing arms, fought in court, went to the Supreme Court, and was convicted?
Even if so, one mistake deserves another?
j a higginbotham
Lee, Huckabee's reasoning mirrors Martin's elsewhere on this blog - basically, Huckabee's opponents do things he believes are wrong, so Chrsitains are justified in doing likewise. I'm not surprised that you buy into this sort of reasoning.
For Huckabee (and Martin, and you), it's all about following one's conscience when doing one's job. If we hold Huckabee to this standard (and I believe he would have everyone think he is doing this), then his past job accomplishments show us what are core Christian values. Peddling a vile and dishonest "cure" for diabetes is lying and thievery. And worse - if his marks follow his advice, then they will lose their health and lives.
Lying. Stealing. Killing. These are the core values, the absolute morality you (and the Christian authors of this blog, and the other Christian readers who fall into lockstep with the authors) adhere to, promote, even glorify. Which is why you (and Huckabee) can defend the petty thievery on Davis' part. (Well, not so petty. $80,000 per year is a tidy sum.)
> I know she is willfully disobeying a court order, her appeal was turned down by the Supreme Court, etc.
Is a judge above the law? I'm asking what law did she break? Supreme Court rulings have been disobeyed before, all the time. The Supreme Court once ruled that states don't have the right to take radar detectors from drivers; some states still do it. The Supreme Court ruled that citizens have the right to bear arms; New Jersey arrested a young black mother of two for carrying one and it took Gov. Christie to overturn that.
> Lee, Huckabee's reasoning mirrors Martin's elsewhere on this blog - basically, Huckabee's opponents do things he believes are wrong,
You have deduced a lot from my previous terse statements. I would suggest you take up with Martin the things he says you think are wrong, and take up with me the things I say that you think are wrong.
All I will say is that it is utterly precious that Kim Davis has awakened in liberals a belief in the rule of law.
Ted Cruz, now mike Huckabee. These truly are the intellectual titans of our time that Martin is running to for guidance on law and policy.
One of them read 'Green Eggs and Ham' on the senate floor and told us that the way to stop ISIS was to let every jihadi know that 'they are signing their death warrant' (never mind that the greatest glory a jihadi seeks is to die a martyr). Way to support ISIS recruitment effort, Ted! Probably the singular stupidest thing I've heard a candidate say this year.
The other rocks out with the guy who sang 'Cat Scratch Fever' and 'Wang Dang, Sweet Poontang' on his show, the same guy who has confessed to draft-dodging and sleeping with under 18s while at the same time telling parents Beyonce is a bad influence on their kids.
It's like Laurel and Hardy - only the sad, sickly and depressing version.
> Ted Cruz, now mike Huckabee. These truly are the intellectual titans of our time that Martin is running to for guidance on law and policy.
FWIW, Alan Dershowitz said Ted Cruz was among his most brilliant students at Harvard Law.
> So someone was arrested for bearing arms, fought in court, went to the Supreme Court, and was convicted?
No, but someone was arrested for bearing arms and went to jail for it, after the 2010 Supreme Court decision that stated bearing arms is a right that is protected by the Constitution.
I presume the judge who sent her to a New Jersey jail was aware of this fact.
Some people can ignore Supreme Court decisions, others can't.
"FWIW, Alan Dershowitz said Ted Cruz was among his most brilliant students at Harvard Law."
Cruz is a brilliant demagogue.
I think you misspelled "Obama".
Someone was arrested and went to jail is rather lacking in specifics.
But people get arrested unconstitutionally or have their rights violated routinely. That is the fault of local police forces.
That is comparing apples and oranges related to this case.
j a higginbotham
Do a search on it yourself... keywords Philadephia woman arrested New Jersey gun Christie pardon. Or some combination.
I'm absolutely certain that when liberals ignore the Supreme Court, it's better than when conservatives do it.
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