It's funny and sad. When I was a youth, anyone who was described as a professor automatically got a huge status boost in my young mind. Now, it simply serves to establish a rebuttable presumption that the holder of said title is probably a lefty whacko. Hard sciences excluded of course.
Let's have a show of hands...
Besides me, who is old enough to remember when liberals used to say, "You may disagree with us, but we will fight for your right to disagree with us?"
Today, it's more like: "Shut up."
For most folks on the far left it's more like STFU (Shut the f*** up).
It's funny and sad. When I was a youth, anyone who was described as a professor automatically got a huge status boost in my young mind. Now, it simply serves to establish a rebuttable presumption that the holder of said title is probably a lefty whacko. Hard sciences excluded of course.
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