Kentucky Democratic state chairman Daniel Logsdon defended Carroll Hubbard, the Democratic candidate for a Western Kentucky state senate seat who, while serving as Kentucky's 1st district congressman, "pled guilty to three felony charges of violating federal campaign spending rules, conversion of federal property, theft and obstruction of justice. He was sentenced to three years in federal prison in Fort Worth, Texas and fined $153,794," according to Real Clear Politics, which included him its list of the 10 Most Corrupt Politicians.
But it's okay that the Democrats are running an ex-con for office, says Logsdon. He's "paid his debts to society." He has "great name recognition." The folks that know him "like and respect him." They're "willing to overlook the issue that happened in the early 90s." He's "admitted he was wrong." He "served his time for that."
And besides, the real issue is ... David Williams.
This defense of ex-felons in office came on Ryan Alessi's show on CN2. A few minutes later, Alessi asked Logsdon about the issue of same-sex marriage, which he responded to firmly, decisively, and courageously ... "we really don't have a position on that."
This stirring rallying cry didn't do much for Logston in the eyes of Jake at Page One Kentucky, who called it, "Democratic cowardice and obfuscation at an all-time high."
Jake knows that even most Democratic officeholders in the state are con on the same-sex marriage issue, and he really wants them to be pro. What he apparently hasn't considered is that, if they do what he wants them to do--change from con to pro, then not just Hubbard, but most other Democrats would be ex-cons.
HT: Jake
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