I will be on KET tonight. The stated topic is "LGBT Rights." At least their not using the loaded term "fairness," which kind of begs the question. Other guests include:
Richard Nelson, Executive Director of the Commonwealth Policy Center
Chris Hartman, Executive irector of The Kentucky Fairness Alliance
Enid Trucios-Haynes, President of the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky
You're debating that they are intolerant to oppose your intolerance? Very meta.
What's meta is to preach diversity and intolerance and then try to stamp out everyone else's viewpoints.
Martin can't appreciate the hypocrisy of intolerant people demanding that others tolerate their intolerance. No-one is going to stamp out his viewpoint; its just going to become socially unacceptable, like being an open racist.
The VAST majority of Americans are with you Martin. We know positions like yours are the furthest thing from intolerance. KyCobb and One Brow are providing their low-brow Progressive opinions, but they are in the low minority--and their comments prove only that they are intolerant of your, and our, viewpoint. Liberal/Progressives are really only about promoting their arrogant regressive world-view, at the expense of all others: regression by their insistence on our return from freedom to an oppressive dictatorship where the few cruelly dominate the many, and a regression from a civilized moral culture to individual slavery to one's base and perverted desires and animal instincts. Their aims represent the views of a very few and desperate traitors and cowards. But the rest of us, that vast majority, we happy many and patriots, have your back, Martin! Be encouraged, and press on to victory!
What's meta is to preach diversity and intolerance and then try to stamp out everyone else's viewpoints.
You mean, the way viewpoints in favor of slavery have been stamped out? No one has gone to jail for advocating a return to slavery. The position became unacceptable culturally. Similarly, eventually your objections to gay marriage will be culturally unacceptable, but there will be no stamping out needed, just peer pressure.
It's hard to take seriously a point of view that equates criticism with being persecuted.
Erin Avery,
I just don't see how you can say 'let gay people get married if they want to' equates to "oppressive dictatorship", while 'it should be illegal for gay to have any sort of relationship with the privileges of marriage' equates to "freedom". Can you explain why preventing gay people from marrying is more free and less oppressive?
Erin Avery obviously hasn't been paying attention to recent public-opinion polls.
Which public opinion polls
The polls showing that the majority of Americans now support ssm.
McCarthyism: forcing people into unemployment for reasons the Left finds unacceptable.
Tolerance: forcing people into unemployment for reasons the Left finds acceptable.
Just ask Mr. Eich.
Methinks the Left's real objection to McCarthyism was that it was aimed at the Left.
Eich was run out because of a threatened boycott; McCarthy ws a powerful senator. Are you saying that a boycott is the same as government censorship? That seems profoundly anti-capitalistic.
Was Hollywood's ostracism of commie symps also all due to the Senate?
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