Okay, I have now officially gone from merely disagreeing with the Darwinists to being concerned about their mental health. Here we were having this big debate over whether Intelligent Design met the criteria of science, and whether ID was appropriate to teach in public school classrooms, and whether ID was true at all, when all of a sudden, they went paranoid on us.
At first we were arguing over whether ID was objective, and whether it could withstand critical and logical analysis, and whether it could survive open and objective discussion. Now we are having to defend critical thinking, logical analysis, and open and objective discussion against the Darwinists who have apparently abandoned these things because they are all a part of a creationist conspiracy.
I'm sorry, let me rub my eyes one more time just to make sure I am seeing what I think I am seeing.
The Louisiana legislature passed the Science Education Act which merely calls for ""critical thinking skills, logical analysis, and open and objective discussion of scientific theories being studied including, but not limited to, evolution, the origins of life, global warming, and human cloning"--and the response to this by the Darwinist establishment, upon seeing these things supported by people they disagree with, is to ... come out against them.
Can you say "cut off your nose to spite your face"?
They are so fearful of anyone who might question their theory that they are willing to jettison the very things they claim to be practicing and defending. So what are they going to do when they find out that Intelligent Design advocates walk upright? Stand on their heads? What is their response going to be when they discover that people who believe the world was not the produce of blind chance brush their teeth? Knock their own out?
If the ID forces are smart, their next move will be to come out in favor of Natural Selection--just so they can see the Darwinists reject it.
Here is an ID teacher teaching "critical thinking":
""critical thinking skills, logical analysis, and open and objective discussion of scientific theories being studied including, but not limited to, evolution, the origins of life, global warming, and human cloning"
Human cloning? How is that a scientific theory? I didn't know they taught that at the high school level. Must be an elective.
I hope you got the memo, Martin. This bill is not about Intelligent Design and it has nothing to do with religion. It says so right in the bill. Who could argue with critical thinking? All the proponents of this bill want to do is have the right to take a series of poorly thought out arguments, held by a miniscule fraction of scientists who seem unable to compete in the rough and tumble world of peer review, based strictly on what we don't know or at best, a negative argument of what we do know and stuff them into a public school science curriculum. What could be wrong with that?
And wherever will we find an organization ready and willing to supply the misinformation necessary to help the Louisiana State School Board further its mission? Bill, Casey, Jonathon, anyone?
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