Changes in lifestyle meaning: Stop having babies.Having children is the surest way to send your carbon footprint soaring, according to a new study from statisticians at Oregon State University.
The study found that having a child has an impact that far outweighs that of other energy-saving behaviors.
... “Clearly, the potential savings from reduced reproduction are huge compared to the savings that can be achieved by changes in lifestyle,” the report states.
One wonders sometimes about the liberal death wish: they have convinced themselves that humans are bad for the planet, and so are persuading themselves that they should stop having babies, and so lower their reproduction rates below replacement level. Conservatives, meanwhile, find it nonsensical that humans are bad for the planet, and are having lots of babies. The demographic implications of liberals having fewer babies than conservatives should be self-evident.
Have I pointed out that the belief that the End Is Near is a self-fulfilling prophecy?
HT: Nicene Truth
1 comment:
Being Al Gore and traveling the world with an entourage of Lincoln Town Car limousines, Chevy Suburbans, and private jets, in order to preach the ills of Lincoln Town Car limousines, Chevy Suburbans, and private jets, has a high carbon impact, too.
If only people would quit having Al Gores.
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