For Immediate Release
August 4, 2009
"Twice as many Kentuckians support school choice as have confidence in public schools," said Martin Cothran, senior policy analyst for The Family Foundation of Kentucky. Cothran's comments came in the wake of a report co-released by The Family Foundation and the Friedman Foundation showing wide public support for school choice.
"The support for letting parents have more control over where to send their children to school is not only significant, it is widespread. The support extends across socio-economic groups, political parties, geographical and demographic groups. When half the people with ties to the public school educational establishment support it, I think you can say that the time for school choice has arrived."
Here are a few important findings of the study:

August 4, 2009
"Twice as many Kentuckians support school choice as have confidence in public schools," said Martin Cothran, senior policy analyst for The Family Foundation of Kentucky. Cothran's comments came in the wake of a report co-released by The Family Foundation and the Friedman Foundation showing wide public support for school choice.
"The support for letting parents have more control over where to send their children to school is not only significant, it is widespread. The support extends across socio-economic groups, political parties, geographical and demographic groups. When half the people with ties to the public school educational establishment support it, I think you can say that the time for school choice has arrived."
Here are a few important findings of the study:
- About half of respondents prefer private schools for their children
- Slightly more respondents prefer homeschooling as say that the public schools are "good" or "excellent".
- Slightly over half support school vouchers.
- 44% of respondents think current school spending is too high, and only 9 percent think lack of funding is the biggest problem with public schools.
- Only 14 percent think parents have the greatest influence on their public school system.
- More people would be likely to vote for a candidate who supports school choice than would vote for a candidate because he or she is against it.
- Half of those with ties to teachers unions support school vouchers

1 comment:
The will of the people only matters when the will of the people and the will of their betters in the bureaucracies, legislatures, courts, and news media are in agreement.
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