Friday, September 19, 2008

Joe Biden gaffes still flying under the media radar

Going relatively uncovered in the salivating of the major media over every Palin hiccup that goes awry is the trail of embarrassing statements Obama's running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden is leaving. You can start here.


Anonymous said...

These are worse:

Anonymous said...

Who cares about snippets. I still wanna know - given what we know today, does Sarah Palin think the war in Iraq was called for?

Palin is sorta like a famous Kentuckian - adept at the bob'n'weave. She's not going to be pinned down by substance, nosirree.

Anonymous said...

The again, maybe we don't really want to know Palin's real thoughts on matters of substance. No need to remind ourselves of the multifaceted Greek tragedy that is unfurling before our eyes.

Courtesy of Ed Brayton:

"But when asked how she would help keep any new domestic oil produced in the United States, Palin gave a less-than-well-articulated non-answer.

"Oil and coal? Of course, it's a fungible commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not. But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first," Palin said. "So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it's Americans that get stuck to holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here. It's got to flow into our domestic markets first.""